It is with a sense of failure and disappointment that when I re-read a blog post a day or so later, I see the obvious grammatical and spelling errors!! ☹ “How come I missed those spelling errors, they are so obvious”, are words that run through my mind. The quote below is helping me move on, so to speak.
“Don’t waste time grieving over past mistakes, learn from them and move on.”
While out walking this morning with the cool fresh air on my face, my mind was free to wonder and reflect on my disappointment. This is not the first time and it will not be the last time I’ve published posts with errors, but I decided I owed you my readers an apology for these errors and at the same time ask for your help. I know many of you are very articulate, and knowledgeable in the English language so I am asking you for your advice and suggestions about how I can reduce my error rate:
- What have you learnt that works well when writing?
- Any suggested books or websites you recommend?
- What resources/tools have you used when writing?
- What are your tips and tricks for proof-reading?
- Any other suggestions or ideas?
One small step to improvement
One immediate step I have taken is to write my blog posts directly in MS Word, then copy and paste the text into WordPress, as opposed to writing directly into WordPress. MS Word is pretty good at spell and grammar checking, so here’s hoping. Remember I would love to hear your writing and proof reading tips and tricks.
Blogging course
I recently enrolled on a blogging course as I want to become a better writer and develop my blog.
One part of the course is about finding “your niche”. At the moment I am struggling to find my niche. Thankfully, we are being advised “it takes time”, “it’s a journey”, “just start with something”, “something is better than nothing”, and if possible “it’s better to be deep and narrow in your focus and content” as opposed to wide and broad.
As a reader and to help me find my niche what do you find most beneficial/useful about my blog posts? Do my blog posts:
- inspire you to travel a different or less travelled route?
- encourage you to give that long held idea/bucket list item a go?
- show you that age is but a number?
- provide light reading or something else?
Your feedback please
Your comments and feedback is appreciated and will help me greatly, so do not be afraid to post a comment. If you do not want your comments posted (so everyone can read them) just leave a little note in the comments section saying so. (Each comment posted must be approved before it is displayed for public viewing.)
This ‘blogging’ activity is a journey for me and something I want to be get better and proficient at. I cannot wait to receive your input.
PS: I’m hoping I’ve got it right this time!!!
Till next time –GoldCard Gal 😊
Hello lovely Heather, what errors I did not find any!! I just love reading of your adventures as it is as near to being there I will ever get, especially the long cycles overseas. Cut yourself some slack in fact you inspire more people than you will ever upset with your blog. Keep your thoughts and adventures coming and never mind if on re reading you find the odd error, you are human and real and it is the real Heather we all love and want to spend time with and enjoy reading about.
Thank you “Carly of Tamahere” for your feedback. It seems it’s more my issue but I guess I don’t want my readers thinking I don’t check my work – cose I do several times & still miss them. Never mind onward & upwards. 🙂
I meant to also say Floss I’m proud to be yr Aunty & Great Aunty to yr neat kids!! 🙂
I could agree more Caroline! I don’t notice the few errors it makes your articles all the more authentic Heather proving they are written by a real gal and not just “stock” articles.
Thank you Susan. Hope you gals are ok & not stuck between slips and road blocks! Safe & happy travels 🙂
I love reading your blogs. I’m proud, that you’re my auntie. And I hope one day. I will have the courage and energy to take on some of your adventures.
As for spelling errors. I have never noticed it.
Thank you Floss for your comments and support. 🙂
Hey there Heather, I enjoy reading your blog. Usually it’s in the middle of my work day so although I don’t have time to read the complete story, the parts that I read are most enjoyable and inspirational. Yours is the only blog post that I currently follow and I love the effort and enthusiasm that you put into your stories, ideas and opinions. I say keep up the good work gal and I’m certainly not looking out for mistakes either!!
Thank you Jacky for your feedback and taking the time to comment it is appreciated. 🙂
Back up there, Heather! Be kind to yourself. I feel you need to rethink the purpose of your blog.
1 Is your blog to enable your friends to share and enjoy your adventures?
2 Is your blog preparation for a foray into the realm of the formal travel writer?
If your answer is 1 then you surely don’t have to worry. Your writing is informal, fun and enjoyable. Personally I didn’t notice errors, I read to enjoy. Your writing lets me picture you doing these things, I’m there with you.
If your answer is 2 then we will read a more formal piece, perhaps, and we’ll check your grammar. Alas, not as much of the real Heather will be in between those lines. I probably will not be as keen to read a print perfect piece.
When I’m overseas and write my friends it’s usually done immediately after, or during, a fun/interesting experience, and I am so excited to pass this on that I can hardly get my fingers on the keys. And, I must make grammatical/spelling mistakes. I don’t worry about that because it’s just the real me at that particular moment, in an excited state and wishing to share an experience.
If, on the other hand, I had to hand the same piece to Prof Margaret McLaren then the writing would have been an academic exercise, taken ages, and would not have been fun. I would have waited until the glass or two of wine had worn off before touching the keys, and I would have been a different person writing.
Lovely Margaret McLaren wrote a great little paperback: Check It Out, A Guide to Effective Writing. You are most welcome to borrow my copy if you wish.
Be yourself – just be youse.
Patricia Rose
Thank you Patricia Rose for your feedback, advice and thoughts. You gave given me plenty to think about. Will check out that book. 🙂
Dear Heather,
I have an average command of the English Language, I can be quite articulate and sometimes I swear (well quite a bit) I read your posts, I thoroughly enjoy reading your posts, they are well researched and written, and interesting. I read them out to Graham, snippets to Courtney and Doug, Jono and Amelie – sharing your travels and broadening theirs. As I read the words I imagine where you are, what roads you went, how far in one day you can actually cycle, the situations you get yourself in. The stories you weave, makes me feel like I did when I immersed myself in Enid Blyton, five on treasure Island! I love the freedom that you allow yourself to never be afraid of a good journey or experience, the research you do, the great photos. I look up maps to see where you have left your foot prints and cycle wheels, I look to you for my next adventure albeit a cycle to the diary in the rain! Your blogs inspire me to go off road, just like I felt when on a Habitat build. You keep alive that a journey may be to the end of the road or to the other side of the world. Actually Heather I have a confession, I don’t read your blog to find errors in spelling or grammar. I read for the pure enjoyment of being able to read, happy that you share your stories, they are unique and alive – they are you. Please do not stop posting and never again use the words failure and disappointment – they do not belong in your wardrobe, never have, never will.
Prudence x
Thank you ‘Prudence of St Andrews’ for taking the time to write your feedback it’s just what I needed to read. You know what its like you put all this effort into something & then see the errors/mistakes! Guess I need to be careful what I focus on. Thanks again 🙂
Hello Heather : “It is better to try …… rather than to never try at all….” I must admit Heather I haven’t noticed what you are discussing in your latest blog. I am more interested in the content of what is said and always find the blogs full of detail and nice photos. Carry on the good work. Most entertaining. Regards
Thank you Neville. Yes I often think of that quote – thank you for including it. How are things in Wanaka? Are you skiers? How’s the running & cycling? We still getting good turn outs on Tuesdays. Thanks again 🙂