Today’s quote :
“Every situation is life is temporary. So, when life is good, make sure you enjoy and receive it fully. And when life is not so good, remember that it will not last forever and that better days are ahead.”
Thank you for your posts, always interesting reading.
Disappointing day for me
Usually on a Saturday morning I cycle with a group of riders that meet at Rototuna shops, but of course being in lock-down that is not happening. Instead I cycled the back roads of Tauwhare and Cambridge by myself. The morning was clear with chilly south-west wind. I decided to count the number of trucks, cars and anything else to help keep me focused, instead of the usual mind drifting. Well guess what, the number of cyclists far out-numbered both cars and trucks. Lost count of the number of people walking/running. The way people are going we are going to be the fittest and healthiest nation ever – imagine what that could do for our health system?
I had a surprise and welcome meeting on the road with one of my Tuesday cycling buddies (both keeping our distance); so very good to catch up with your Claire.
As usual my bike rides always involve a coffee stop – but today there was none, 🙁 I tried both the BP & Shell service stations only to be turned away – it was such a let down. I felt quite dispirited. “Oh to have that first world problem” I thought to myself and then “oh get a grip of yourself Heather” was my mental response! Perhaps it is time I invested in a good coffee machine, I know that would make one of my cycling buddies happy – eh Grant!
I’ve had technical issues with my blog??? Hence the slightly different view. Not a good day!! 🙁
My reflections so far:
As it’s day three, thought it time to do some self-reflecting, here are my reflections:
- feeling more relaxed, slowed down
- enjoying the peacefulness of our roads when out cycling
- cherishing reduced noise pollution
- appreciating the quiet mornings and evenings (no traffic)
- appreciating the options I have to do whatever, whenever
- missing the human contact
- appreciating the phone calls and text messages received
- perhaps I need to invest in a good coffee machine??
What are your reflections?
I came across this list the other day, thought you may find the ideas beneficial.
The 10 benefits of spending time along
(from Let me know if you have found this list useful.
- Clears your mind.
- Improves our creativity.
- Allows you to explore possibilities for your life.
- Resets your priorities.
- Improves your relationships.
- Lets you slow down.
- You become more focused.
- You become yourself.
- You gain self-confidence
- You become more independent.
I’m off out into my garage to be creative, no idea yet what I’ll do, but sure something will pop into my mind.
Take care, stay in your bubble, till tomorrow GoldCard Gal 🙂
Lockdown day 4
All Quiet On The Western Front.
A much later start today as a result of staying up late last night, sorting through and creating a preferred viewing list of TV and films available via streaming for later.
The up side to this slothful start is that instead of breakfast we decided to have a brunch from the BBQ as again the weather is perfect.
Five decades have passed since I enjoyed “Fried Bread”.
Not recommended as part of a good diet in today’s age, but these are extraordinary times.
Mum always used the dripping from roast meats as the frying medium and I have to say that the olive oil used this morning just does not cut it!
Perhaps also that the so called “Bread” of today, no matter what brand or price, seems to be mainly constructed with air surrounded by crust. Very hard not to burn yet slow to actually cook through.
No matter! Streaky bacon, lots of fresh eggs and the crowning glory – baked beans, all washed down with freshly squeezed orange juice sets us up for another day in the bubble.
I return to the lawn.
This patch of surface greenery would be more often described as a pocket hanky surrounded by a perimeter fence with a sprinkling of weeds. (Daisies, buttercups, etc!)
Day two of de thatching and it is starting to take on the dimensions of the Great Plains prairies. I hope there are no “Injuns” in hiding and ready to make the task even greater!
Looking up from my labours I observe that the “March of the Neighbourhood dogs and owners” has somewhat abated.
No doubt unused and sore muscles putting in an appearance after little activity for years, followed by two days of boredom induced effort.
The prime minister says that we all need to be kind, so with that in mind, I concede that this absence of canine foot traffic is because it is Sunday and they may all be taking “The Day of Rest” seriously.
Time will tell.
No lunch today:
But for your entertainment:
Twenty five more kilometres today:
Through the Forest of Arenberg and onto the next section of pave on the wind trainer.
Battling it out with “The Badger” and “The Eagle of Toledo” over the Col du Galibier. “Courage” I hear the crowd shouting. (That’s French for “courage”)
Then the wife brings me a cup of tea, a chocolate biscuit and back to earth.
My apologies for those not au fait with the more intimate details of cycling history.
But it is working! We are in lock down, essentially unable move and I have lost half a kilo. Competing for space +2metres on the foot path is for the birds!
I see that today unfortunately NZ has its first COVID19 casualty.
Condolences to the family.
Someone no older than us, which certainly makes for a sober evening meal.
Tomorrow it is Monday.
How will the mass proletariat deal a real day in the gulag?
Unhurried In Hamilton:
Entertaining as usual “unhurried in Hamilton”! Thank you. I did watch the video, bit before my time. Your brunch certainly got my taste buds salivating – especially the fried bread. 🙂
Hi Heather
Enjoying your blog. The coffee machine idea is a good one but it won’t solve your immediate needs!
Love your garden photos
Cold and wet here. Although extremely dry we are in the midst of grape harvest so dont love rain right now.
I am enjoying my morning bike rides and love the quiet roads.
Just about to clean out the freezer.
Take care
Love Fran
Thanks Fran. Glad to hear you’re out on your bike. Doesn’t it make a huge difference with hardly any traffic on our roads? Shame about your weather, we’re having a beautiful sunny autumn day up here in sunny Hamilton. Hope the grape picking goes well – do you have any labour shortages? Happy freezer cleaning. Luv ‘n hugs all you all 🙂
Morning Heather, sorry you could not find coffee on your bike ride. Could be time in invest in a coffee machine, once the shops are open again there could be a rush on them. Off to do my meditation on the seat in our gully that way no one will interrupt me. Another beautiful day to enjoy.
Yes Carly the more I think about it the more it makes sense to buy a coffee machine. Meditating in the gully sounds perfect – sure you’ll find it easier and more beneficial? 🙂
DATE three of 28???
Slowed down too much?
Hi Heather, dropped by today knowing to keep a 2mtre distance but you weren’t home, out cycling too, I expect. I enjoy your blog. Barb
Yes Barb out enjoying the countryside, would have loved seeing you. 🙂