Quote for the day:
“The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails.”
by William Arthur Ward
Thank you for your posts and taking the time to share something of your world and how different they can be. What has been happening your world today?
Today a family in Greymouth will be morning the death of an elderly member, who died with corona-virus (she also had pre-existing conditions), my thoughts are with them at this sad time. I also heard today that Assissi Rest Home (just down the road) has 11 confirmed cases of corona-virus. That is getting very close to home, so it’s important we remain vigilant in our self-isolation.
Today seemed like any other Sunday, except when I cycled to the supermarket I had to wait outside in a cue, everyone keeping their distance. Thankfully it was a bright and sunny autumn day and people seemed very relaxed and happy to wait their turn. What was most enjoyable and rewarding was delivering the groceries to my various neighbours afterwards; catching up with them face-to-face (keeping our distance apart) and just chatting. I felt like an old fashioned delivery girl delivering groceries like they used to years ago. I think I could do that for a job should there be a need.
This afternoon I finally got the chain saw out to do a little pruning and tidying up of the orange tree. Even though I haven’t used my chainsaw for months it wasn’t a problem starting it. Oh how I love a tool that starts more or less straight away. Of course I put on all my safely gear, love wearing those ‘chaps’ (leg cover protection) as I feel like a cowboy wearing them. Can’t say they’re attractive but at least I know my legs are protected should anything unexpected happen!
How many of you watch Country Calendar? That is my favourite TV programme, always inspiring, informative and enjoyable. Tonight’s program was no different.
Well that is it for today. I realise I’ve made a ‘rod for my own back’ by taking on this task of writing and reflecting everyday while we are in lock-down, but it’s something I’ve wanted to do for a sometime. Not posting a blog everyday but getting into the habit of writing everyday. I’ve tried writing up journals before, and that lasts a few days, having said that it is only day 4!!
Wonder what will happen tomorrow? Isn’t that an exciting thought – not knowing what is going to happen tomorrow?? So until tomorrow night, take care, and stay in your bubble – GoldCard Gal 🙂
Good productive day here, complete clean out of cupboard in the hall, what fun !!!! treasures long forgotten, rubbish I now wonder why I even put it there in the first place, however great feeling having completed the job and decluttered. Bike ride tomorrow which I feel I now deserve having sat around all day today except to eat and feed the boyfriend. Meditation still on track although I do find my mind tends to talk to me while it should be quiet, never mind work in progress. Keep well and by the sound of the thunder just rumbling across the sky we could get some well needed rain.
Well done Carly, thank you. Yes I also hear the sound of thunder rumbling in the southern skies – so here’s hoping for some rain. 🙂
Lockdown day 5
“One day in the life of Ivan Denisovich”.
For the people in the camps, competition for resources is ruthless. Prisoners have to compete for everything here – food, warmth, decent work assignments, rewards, etc. They even compete for cigarette butts.
This morning I went shopping, we normally do this for our weekly replenishment on Mondays.
Today I attended on my own as we had read the instructions regarding limiting the numbers of people who might be exposed.
The regular supermarket had a cue at the door all the way round the car park as per the one in, one out process and distancing rules. All very well but I hate standing in one place and my back hates it even more. I drove on to the next shop of choice, much better, about ten people and a five minute wait.
Inside “MEN” shopping for essentials, volunteering or sent out to be the ONE! (This I had not noticed while in the cue.)
Roaming around like lost souls, following lists not in the right order, learning how to manipulate unfamiliar trolleys in an alien environment but mostly getting in each others way.
My list was also out of order due to the change of location, however after nine years of retirement I have managed to absorb the lessons patiently bashed into me each week.
I was in and out like Flynn!
It helped that the limited numbers made the checkout soother than normal despite the stringent sanitising between customers and the self packing.
So unlike in the Gulag, I did not have to compete, just be patient.
In my estimation the shop stock was normal. “Well done the suppliers, freight companies and store staff”.
Lunch was taken without Miss Otis
Drama!! A possible problem with our bubble!
This is what happens when an hour each day is spent pedalling to nowhere but being able to study everything around in the finest detail.
Repairs today on the garage door: A cracked angled link in the door auto closer assembly that looked and sounded like it would break on the next lift.
So my plans to ride each day have come to a grinding halt as has my agricultural endeavour.
With no place to buy a part, this required some ingenuity and back to basic repair skills.
2 hours later a new link is manufactured from and old gate hinge and fitted to suit.
The trouble with this type of work is that it tends to encourage further fiddling so winterising the same door with draft exclusion followed.
All done, and just think, until yesterday I did not even know we had a problem.
What a day! The prairie out front had no activity (The Injuns can wait), fitness went down the tubes.
But to compensate, the procession of canine and hominid foot traffic out front, has largely finished.
So for “Ivan Denisovich”, this ONE day was not altogether what was planned but overall quite satisfying and certainly not competitive.
Breaking News: I have just been offered the NZ franchise for a New Service Company:
Thanks Colin, as usual entertaining and informative. 🙂
All good Heather your daily updates are right on the mark. Keep it up: I look forward to reading them. So today here in Wanaka we awoke to a frost : in fact it’s our forth : a light frost,the parsnips like it but the bacteria in the soil doesn’t .I have put my compost out from my bin onto the garden and each day I watch as the birds work over the soil looking for food.They are doing a great job breaking it down.My beloved had a conference call this morning so I set out through Sticky Forest around to Mt Iron and home. Initially I thought everybody had left Wanaka but as time passed people come by.There were very few cars. I saw a young guy on an electric scooter with a buggy behind towing a small child. To my amazement they passed me going up the hill out of the camp: on a scooter@! As he got near to the top of the hill he had to zig zag a bit but then speed on down the gravel road to the North Lakes subdivision. Now I have retrieved the stereo and LP’s from the shed. I also found some certificates from runs in 2005. I can report the last 15 years have taken their toll! Before the lock down there was much debate here on extensions to the airport to bring in jets to alleviate Queenstown traffic::the debate will have to wait: also recently someone cut branches off our much loved tree in the lake::it was visited by thousands of tourists a year:now very few. A senseless act as Wanaka has expanded rapidly in the last 20 years built on tourism. It seems we are in for a quiet time.Until next time: I-solution
Thank you I-solution. Love to hear about your life down in Wanaka. Fancy having had frosts – mornings are getting chilly up here but not that level yet. Can imagine the birds loving your compost – they sure make a mess eh! Yes I did see something on the news about your famous tree – why do people do that? Getting slower as we get older is an issue everyone faces – thank goodness, only problem is takes time to accept those changes – if you get what I mean!! 🙂
Didn,t mind staying inside for 2 days as it rained !!
Couldnt mow lawns as flat tyre but where did the weekend go.
2 observations.
Bike ride for an hour out to state HWY 1 ans back and saw one car each way and walkers on centre line!!
Went to garage for deisel this morning and only one there–but had fresh milk and bread.
Keep safe.
Thank you Geoff for your observations. Hey, we could do with some of your rain! 🙂