Quote for the day:
“Change can be scary, but do you know what’s scarier? Allowing Fear to stop you from Growing, Evolving and Progressing.”
by Mandy Hale
Welcome to day 27. Today was my first autumn foggy morning bike ride. And the sun hasn’t appeared all day – that is a first for a long time. Mind you we have been spoilt with having so many beautiful sunny days earlier in April. My Zimbabwean friend Meg said something today which made me laugh, she said “I finally understand what fine weather means in NZ. It means it’s not raining”.
Did you watch Paul Henry’s “Rebuilding Paradise” last night? What were your thoughts? I was hoping for more, but it is only episode one and I guess it is hard interviewing people on Skype or through Zoom and getting than ‘connection’ with them. I did think Sir Micheal Hill went on the little too long about his house fire 40 years ago, but then that event was the catalyst for him to go after his goals. I will continue to watch Paul and look forward to the variety of people he will be interviewing. I do like his sense of humour and the fact that he reads out all positive and negative texts/emails.
Click here if you missed day 26’s comments.
Feature image for today
Today’s feature image was provided by “Sue of Matangi”. She had picked these flowers from her garden just before she came inside after spending time working in it. The variety of flowers and diverse colours make it an eye catching little bouquet. Like nature, nothing seems to clash or is ugly.
The Pandemic Pack Collaborative Cookbook
I read about this group in the Waikato Times this morning (published 15 April, back of my puzzle page) and thought I’d share it with you. Sixteen Wellington eateries have co-authored a digital cookbook providing recipes (adapted to be cooked at home) of their signature dishes. Under level two and level three the group created a contactless delivery service for their restaurants. Once the level was raised all non-essential businesses, such as restaurants and cafes were forced to close. Jackie Lee Morrison of Lashings cafe came up with the idea of creating a digital cookbook as she knew local chefs wanted to keep sharing their food. I have purchased a copy of this cookbook in PDF format and landscape design. Each restaurant/cafe published includes a photograph of their eatery, blurb about their business and either one or two recipes. Some tasty looking recipes. I make plunger coffee every morning and looking through their book have read that I don’t let it brew long enough – it’s recommended 4 minutes! Here is one recipe that really appealed to me, because I would never have thought to put broccoli and feta together least of all on ciabatta bread and look forward to making it sometime soon. It’s from Capitol Restaurant, owned by Tom & Kate Hutchison.
Signs of autumn
While out of my bike ride this morning I captured the following signs of autumn.
What did you do today – day 26? Look forward to reading about your adventures, daily tasks or something else.
In the meantime, be patient and kind to yourself and everybody in your bubble. Take care – Goldcard Gal 🙂
colin says
Lockdown day 27.
Not far to go now, but are we free of the dreaded lurgi?
Spent the morning trying to clean the garage, vacuuming leaves, bugs, and all sorts that blow in. I say trying, because it did not go to plan
Moved one car, no problem, the other, well from here it goes down hill.
Flat battery!, OK push it out of the way but no too much, so that I can push it back.
Bugger! over the lip, and no matter how tough I think I am. I cannot get it back.
Now it’s stuck half in and half out so now I cannot close the door.
Call AA, thinking they are an essential service, get the battery checked – buy a new one if needed.
Dialled 222. “We are unable to connect this number at this time!” Twice! What kind of essential service is that?, especially as I have just paid subscriptions for the 40 something continuous year.
Call son to get a jump lead connection – He’s Working.
Call daughter in law, She can come over in half an hour.
This by the way is because the other car I have is new- electric model and I am scared stiff I might damage something doing a jump start from it
So with time to fill I start fiddling. Check battery voltage, measures OK but I have been there before. It’s the current needed to be drawn that is the issue.
Check water levels in the cells. Ahh! They are all down.
Top up each and just then DIL arrives. We manoeuvre cars to allow jump leads to reach. No go.
Work out new approach. She will back up onto the road and I will push the car down the drive so she can drive up close behind. You see the battery in the belligerent car is in the boot.
Well I get in to release the hand break and think! I shall give it another go.
Varoom! The bloody thing starts!
So off she goes back to working from home. I let the car run and run and run, while proceeding with the original plan to clean the garage.
So that was my morning, how was yours?
After lunch the day has developed into a nice peaceful sunny afternoon with no wind.
I have had enough of the garage for one day, so the Tour de Garage can get stuffed.
Today I am going for a real ride.
The first time out now for almost 30 days I decide to be careful, avoid streets and main roads and so opt for the motorway cycle path and connect to the river cycle path.
Not many people, perhaps they were all out this morning. Autumn leaves everywhere, crackle, crackle under the wheels. The river flowing to the side, slow and with an oily appearance moving slowly. Out over the new Sperry Bridge to the golf course and then turn for home.
Can that be the time????
I start to think I have miss judged my ride and like a mad man, flog myself back towards home.
Back at last and it is still light. What’s going on?
Inside the clocks all say its one hour ahead. Then it dawns on me.
The clock on the bike computer has not been reset with the end of daylight saving as it has not been used for a month.
So that was my afternoon!
Bloody machines!
Unhurried in Hamilton
GoldCard Gal says
Yes “Unhurried in Hamilton” we all have those days – hard case about the car! So you finally went out on the real road, cycle trail – isn’t is wonderful to have that fresh air blowing on your face? Thank you for your continued comments 🙂
Neville Ferguson says
It was good to see the south featuring on the television in the last few days. First the very much common sense of Linnburn Station and then just last night from Wanaka to Bulgaria to find your birth parents. Both compelling programmes. Which reminds me in the late 1990’s the paddocks half way between Wanaka and Cromwell were overrun by rabbits. My son nd I would go trout fishing in the Clutha there and see the paddocks moving in the evenings with rabbits: a truly different sign?. Then a naughty farmer put out a calicivirus: the effect was amazing: 90% of the population was wiped out in a very short time. The farmer then irrigated, fertilized, and planted out the recently turned soil.Result was lush green and the introduction of dairy cows: in Central Otago@!@! Central now is a go to spot for wintering cows:;So the rabbits never returned?;Not so: within 2 years many rabbits returned followed by many thousand. You see you cannot suppress life…and so it will be with Covid::it’s stay will be short@!@!
The next programme was the journalist who is charged with finding long lost family:The lady finding her parents was from Wanaka. This programme shows me you cannot disappear. There always is a trail that is left that can be followed. Reminds me of those spy movies and big brother.Yours:A thoughtful::I-Solution😕
GoldCard Gal says
Great input “I-Solution” thank you 🙂 When we were cycling down in Central Otago couple of years ago, couldn’t help but notice the rabbits – what a pest – feel for those poor farmers. Yes guess you are right, we can never truly disappear – David Lomas does a great job eh – he’s obviously got lots of experience & skills in finding people – quite compelling tv. 🙂
Carollyn Rolley says
Hi Heather I did not go out for my ride until this afternoon when the sun appeared, no wind and not too cold. Well done in going out in the fog. I always enjoy your photos and quotes for the day,just got the fire going so off for my beer and nibbles while boyfriend enjoys a nice red wine. Yes we are probably looking forward to the drinks and nibbles a bit more than usual in the lock down, seems to be a good habit and not one that I ever feel has to be broken.
GoldCard Gal says
Couldn’t agree more about the drinks and nibbles “Carly of Tamahere”. Glad you like the photos etc, always try to come up with things that are interesting and hopefully relevant. It was fabulous when the sun finally came out – no wonder you went for a bike ride. Thanks for your comments 🙂
Jan Mathers says
Hi Heather. I have tried to send comments but they disappear into thin air. I gave up but will try again once more. I enjoy your blogs and the photos. Thanks.
Yes I watched Paul Henry and really enjoyed Nick Mowbray .. such an amazing family. I taught with his Mum( she relieved in my classroom) and Nick and Anna were both at the school in the class next door to mine. We keep up with their successes.
Bring back the sunshine.
GoldCard Gal says
Great to get your comments Jan, thank you. My blog site seems to be having a few technical problems with posting comments. Yes Nick Mowbray was excellent last night, could have listened to him all night. They seem a very hard working and inspirational family. Yes bring back the sunshine! 🙂