Firstly a big thank you for your interesting posts, I loved reading them. I feel quite humbled that you have taken the time to write your memories, happenings and thoughts. Well done! 🙂 Here’s a link to Yesterday’s readers posts.
How did your day one go? On a Thursday I normally teach all day at Wintec and must admit it felt strange not to be there today. Wintec is in lock-down and everyone is working from home. There were no classes this week, tutors/lecturers are preparing for total online learning and learning how to use Zoom so we can continue teaching next week!
This morning my bubble and I went for an early morning bike ride. As expected there was very little traffic, but surprised at the number of trucks that passed me – but generally it was quiet and very enjoyable. Oh how I love that. The paddocks have a green tinge from the recent rain. Life style blocks that have been for sale for sometime are now sold, and house construction under way. An older house has been moved onto another life style block; look forward to watching the progress there. I get enjoyment from seeing the changes as I cycle the country roads.
I saw more people than normal out walking and running. They seemed happy to say “hello” and have a quick chat, more so than normal. I guess people have time to ‘enjoy the now’, take a deep breath and slow down, and not be rushing off to work or dropping kids off at school etc. What did you notice when you went for your walk or bike ride?
Now that schools are shut I’m enjoying hearing my neighbour’s son Ethan practising/playing his drums several times during the day. He’s learning the drums at intermediate school and definitely getting better.
My wood pile is smaller than yesterday! What jobs can you now cross off your To-do list – any? Any luck with the meditation Carly?
I have something special to share with you on day two. In the meantime, take care and stay in your bubble. GoldCard Gal 🙂